

Brazilian Classic Botanic Bordeaux Green Quartzite

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    Brazilian Classic Botanic Bordeaux Green Quartzite   Botanic Green Quartzite

    Aqua Green Quartzite,Green Botanic Quartzite,Botanic Bordeaux Quartzite

    Botanic Green Quartzite, also recognized as Tropical Green Quartzite, is a stunning and exotic natural stone originating from quarries in Brazil. This quartzite variety is celebrated for its striking appearance, featuring an intense emerald green background adorned with intricate veins in earthy shades of amber and grey. Here's a detailed description of Botanic Green Quartzite:

    1. Emerald Green Background: The most prominent feature of Botanic Green Quartzite is its intense emerald green background. This vibrant and rich green hue serves as the foundation of its design, imparting a sense of opulence and luxury.
    2. Amber and Grey Veining: Adding depth and character to the quartzite's appearance are the mesmerizing veins that course through the stone. These veins exhibit earthy shades of amber and grey, creating intricate and natural patterns resembling geological formations. The interplay of these colors adds a sense of movement and complexity to the stone's visual appeal.
    3. Exotic and Luxurious: Botanic Green Quartzite is classified as an exotic stone, and its appearance exudes luxury and sophistication. The combination of the intense emerald green background and the unique veining patterns makes it a highly sought-after choice for high-end interior designs.


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